• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Introduction of a High-quality Tri-lineage Sterile Line Rice, Taifeng A

  • 摘要: 泰丰A是广东省农业科学院水稻研究所培育的优质三系不育系,通过引进试种观察并进行配组试验,结果表明该不育系在福建农艺性状优良、不育性稳定,开花习性较好,花时早且比较集中,配合力强,可恢性好,制种生产较易;生育期性状的早熟遗传传递力较强,与相应的恢复系配组可配出早稻、晚稻,也可以配出弱感光品种,配制杂种的优势强。其最突出特点是不育系及所配品种稻米品质优,尤其加工品质、外观品质商品性好;利用泰丰A已配组育成泰丰优2098、泰丰优656、泰优202、泰丰优2197、泰优676和泰优2328通过福建省品种审定。泰丰A具有较好的应用前景,应加强与优良恢复系进行广泛测配。


    Abstract: Taifeng A was a high-quality, tri-lineage sterile line of hybrid rice originally bred by the Rice Research Institute, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences. It was introduced to Fujian for experimental cultivation and test-crossing with restorer lines. Many of the hybrids resulted from the crossing tests showed excellent agronomic traits, a stable male sterility, easy seed production, improved and early flowering, as well as relatively concentrated, strong combining and restoring abilities. The transmission of early maturity inheritance was strong between generations of the hybrids with traits derived from Taifeng A resulted in the prematurity or late-maturity varieties, including those were less photosensitive. An outstanding feature of these hybrids was their high grain quality for processing and desirable exterior characteristics for commercial purpose. Consequently, many new varieties of the combinations, such as Taifengyou 2098, Taifengyou 656, Taiyou 202, Taifengyou 2197, Taiyou 676, and Taiyou 2328, had been accepted and released for promotion by Fujian Province Crop Variety Examination and Approving Committee. Moreover, Taifeng A offered a substantial potential for further applications. It was highly recommended for breeding new varieties by crossing it with different restorer lines.


