• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Plant Height Simulation Model and Growth Visualization of Reviving Winter Wheat

  • 摘要: 小麦生长模拟模型对小麦生长管理调控、产量预测和经济效益分析等有重要指导作用,针对小麦生长模拟模型和生长可视化不易实现的问题,以冬小麦品种衡观35、济麦22和衡4399为材料,于2015-2016年小麦生长季内开展不同品种和施氮水平的田间试验,通过分析各品种冬小麦返青后株高和有效积温的定量关系,用Logistic方程构建了冬小麦返青后株高模拟模型,经数据检验,株高模拟模型绝对误差在0.01~2.72 cm,根均方差(RMSE)在0.4~1.26 cm,平均绝对误差(da)在0.36~1.11 cm,平均绝对误差与实测值平均数的比值(dap)在1.32%~3.46%,结果表明所建模拟模型精度较高,对不同品种冬小麦株高生长具有较好预测性。借助该模拟模型和已有研究成果,本研究构造了不同品种、不同施氮水平下的冬小麦株高生长状态,逼真模拟冬小麦返青后株高动态生长过程,实现了不同品种冬小麦在不同施氮水平下的生长可视化。


    Abstract: A mathematic model that can reliably simulate the growth of wheat would facilitate the management, production forecast and economic analysis for the farming operation. Thus, field experiments were conducted to generate data for establishing such a model. After winter dormancy and spring reviving, the growth (plant height) of 3 varieties of wheat, i.e., Hengguan 35 (Hg35), Jimai 22 (Jm22) and Heng 4399 (H4399), under varied nitrogen levels in relation to the effective accumulated atmosphere temperature during 2015-2016 was monitored. Subsequently, the logistic equations obtained were validated with data collected from separate experiments to show the plant height prediction by the models to be 0.01-2.72 cm on the absolute error, 0.4-1.26 cm on RMSE, 0.36-1.11cm on da, and 1.32%-3.46% on dap. It appeared that the models were accurate in simulating the growth of the 3 varieties of winter wheat. Based on the models, as well as relevant information gathered previously, virtual visualization of the morphology and dynamic growth process of the winter wheat was now realized.


