• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Field Application and Demonstration of APF-Ⅰ for Trapping Monochamus alternatus

  • 摘要: APF-Ⅰ持久型高效诱剂是一种新型松墨天牛引诱剂,为建立其科学的林间应用技术,于2015-2016年在江西省赣州市峰山国家森林公园开展了该诱剂的应用技术优化试验,并在江西省赣州市及吉安市的松材线虫病疫区或松墨天牛重度危害区开展了该诱剂的试验示范及推广应用。结果表明:诱捕器布设空间位置、密度、高度等对松墨天牛的诱捕量具有显著影响,APF-Ⅰ型诱捕器应选择挂置在林缘、山顶通风处,悬挂高度应在4 m以上,两诱捕器间距应为50~150 m,在林中呈三角状布置;在试验示范区,松材线虫病病死树显著减少,使用两年的病死树减退率(相对防治效果)可达81.47%,辐射推广区平均防效也达56.14%,产生了显著的经济和生态效益。


    Abstract: A new, long-lasting insect-attracting agent, APF-Ⅰ, for controlling Monochamus alternatus in the forest was studied.A field experiment was conducted at Fengshan National Forest Park, Ganzhou, Jiangxi during 2015-2016 to optimize its application. Subsequently, demonstrations were given in the areas infested by the pine wilt disease or severely damaged by the pine sawyer beetle at Ganzhou and Ji'an in the province. The height, density and spatial location of the trap placement significantly affected the insect attraction. The APF-Ⅰ containing traps were most effective by placing them at periphery of a forest on summit with ample ventilation and hanging at a height greater than 4 m above-ground with a 50-150 m spacing between two neighboring traps and a triangular trap setting in the woods. As a result, the pine mortality due to the wilt disease was significantly reduced. A relative rate of the decline reached 81.47% in two years of the application. As an additional benefit, a 56.14% efficacy was observed in the adjacent areas as well. It appeared that significant economic and ecological benefits could be realized with the APF-Ⅰ trapping.


