• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Effects of Biogas Sludge Applications on Growth and Grain Yield of Wheat

  • 摘要: 为探讨沼液在小麦上的适宜用量用法,以规模化养殖场猪粪尿发酵的沼液作为肥源,以当地常规化学施肥为对照,研究不同沼液用量对小麦生长及产量等的影响。结果表明:施用沼液可使叶片颜色浓绿,叶片叶绿素含量与叶绿素仪测定值(SPAD)有随着沼液用量增加而增大的趋势。当沼液用量为450~600 t·hm-2时,气孔导度(Gs)、净光合速率(Pn)、胞间CO2浓度(Ci)、蒸腾速率(Tr)等光合特性处于较优水平;并在达到600 t·hm-2时,其株高、茎基宽、地上部干重(灌浆期)相较于CK(常规化学施肥)分别增长13.1%、11.7%、39.8%,显著提高了单位面积穗数和每穗粒数,使产量较CK提高8.1%~8.9%。但当沼液用量超过600 t·hm-2时,这些性状不升反降,还易使小麦熟期推迟,引起茬口矛盾或导致籽粒未充分成熟而千粒重降低,且影响小麦品质。


    Abstract: Application of biogas sludgein soil for optimal wheat cultivation was investigated. Pig manure collected from large-scale hog farms was fermented prior to using as fertilizer to compare with the chemical agentcommonly used by local farmers. Variedbiogas slurry application rates were applied to evaluate the growth and grain yield of the wheat in the field. It was found that the plant leavesbecame greener and SPAD value heightened at higher sludge addition rates. At rates rangingbetween 450 t·hm-2and 600 t·hm-2, the photosynthetic characteristics, such as Gs, Pn, Ci and Tr, of the plants were high. And, the plant height, stem diameter, and shoot dry weight at the grain filling stage increased by 3.1%, 11.7%, and 9.8%, respectively, over those of control that was chemically fertilized, as the rate reached 600 t·hm-2. In addition, the panicle number per unit area and the grain count per panicle significantly increased, and the grain yield increased by 8.1%-8.9%. However, beyond that addition level, the photosynthesis of the wheat plantsdeclined and the grain maturationdelayed, which ill-affectedthe crop rotation, as well as the filling, 1 000 grain weightand quality of the grains.


