• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Identification of Major and Introduced Strawberry Cultivars in Fujian Using SSR Molecular Markers

  • 摘要: 以在福建省主栽和福建省农业科学院生物技术研究所(本项目组)近年来引进的11个草莓品种为试材,利用SSR分子标记进行分子水平的遗传多样性鉴定。通过建立遗传树状图,以揭示品种之间的亲缘关系。结果表明:10个SSR引物共扩增出109条DNA谱带,其中多态性谱带占91条,多态性比率为83.5%。供试草莓品种的遗传相似系数在0.62~0.89。如果在相似系数0.62处划分,可以明显看出福建省的草莓品种分为2个聚类群,一个类群品种为福莓、红颜、红宝和章姬,均为我国境内引进的品种,其中红宝为本项目组首次从贵州引进;另一个类群基本为美洲引进的栽培原种,包括法兰第、甜查理、阿尔比等传统主栽品种以及本项目组近年从美国引种的紫莓1号、3号新品种,还有1株从北京引进的太空诱变新品种,推测亲本也为美洲系原种。SSR分子标记的分类结果与草莓的地理分布有一定的相关性,筛选的SSR引物明显鉴别出近年来本项目组引进的4个草莓新品种。


    Abstract: Eleven traditionally cultivated or recently introduced strawberry cultivars in Fujian province were identified by using SSR molecular markers, and their genetic relationships established. The results of PCR amplifications of 10 selected primer pairs generated 109 bands with 91 of them (83.5%) polymorphic. The similarity coefficients computed by NTSYS ranged from 0.62 to 0.89 for the cultivars. Using the coefficient of 0.62 for the dendrogram clustering by UPGMA, the cultivars were classified into two groups. One included Fumei, Hongyan, Hongbao and Zhangji, which were introduced from other provinces. Hongbao was brought in from Guizhou by this study. The other group consisted of the Faland, Sweet Charlie and Albion originally from America as well as Zhimei No. 1 and No. 3 recently imported by this project and Taikong No. 2 from Beijing, which is a variety of American parents mutated in space. The classification clearly reflected the origins of the 4 newly introduced strawberry varieties as identified by the SSR molecular markers.


