• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Determination of Antioxidant Activity of Agrocybe chaxingu Fermentation Broth by a Modified Fenton Reaction Method

  • 摘要: 以番红为氧化还原指示剂,用Fenton反应法,通过研究番红用量、样液用量、pH值和维生素C对反应体系吸光值的影响,改进Fenton法以建立一种茶薪菇发酵产物抗氧化性的快速检测方法。改进的条件为:pH7.0~7.5,520 μg·mL-1的番红溶液由0.5 mL变成2.0 mL,样液由7.0 mL变成0.5 mL,30 min内显色稳定;在最佳条件下,以维生素C作为羟自由基清除剂阳性对照,为茶薪菇发酵产物的抗氧化性评价提供标准。结果表明:茶薪菇胞内、胞外的羟自由基清除率分别达48.62%~65.43%(维生素C当量72.62~90.22 mmol·L-1)、57.59%~72.82%(维生素C当量82.02~97.96 mmol·L-1),证实了改进Fenton法的实用性,且所用试剂均无毒副作用,可快速测定茶薪菇发酵产物的抗氧化性。


    Abstract: Saffron was used as the redox reaction indicatorin the rapid determination of the antioxidant activity of the fermentation broth of Agrocybe chaxinguHuang. Fenton reaction was modified for the methodology development by comparing the effect of safranin usage, sample volume, pH, and vitamin C on the light absorbance measured on a spectrophotometer. The optimized conditions included pH 7.0-7.5 with an increased volume on the 520 μg·mL-1safranin solution from 0.5 mL to 2.0 mL anda much-reduced usage on the sample solution from 7.0 mL to 0.5 mL. The absorbance reading remained constant within 30 min. Under the conditions, vitamin C was applied as a standard hydroxyl radical scavenger to evaluate the antioxidant activity of A. chaxingu broth. The results showed that the hydroxyl radical-scavenging ability of the A. chaxingu intracellular metabolites was 48.62%-65.43% (equivalent to vitamin C 72.62-90.22 mmol·L-1), and that of the extracellular metabolites, 57.59%-72.82% (equivalent to vitamin C 82.02-97.96 mmol·L-1). The newly established rapid determination method was, thus, confirmed for its validity. In addition, there were no toxic reagentsapplied in the testing that would cause any safety concerns.


