• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Indexing and Recommended Combinations of Rice Varieties for New Breeds with Strong Ratooning Ability

  • 摘要:
      目的  解析生产上杂交稻品种的再生力鉴定指标,以期筛选出头季稻产量高、再生力强的组合,为再生稻新组合的选育和研究提供基础。
      方法  试验于2015-2017年在福建省三明市尤溪县,以23个杂交稻组合为材料,其中3个为再生稻发展不同阶段的代表性品种,统一采用高产栽培方式,利用相关、回归与通径分析,研究性状指标与再生稻产量及构成因素的关系,进而确定再生力筛选指标,并进行新组合再生力的比较和筛选。
      结果  头季稻产量与穗粒数的相关系数为0.83,达极显著水平,穗粒数对产量的贡献率达54.61%,因而头季高产的品种特征为重穗,以穗粒数的优势形成巨大的库容量;再生季产量与有效穗数的相关系数为0.70,达显著水平,有效穗数对产量的贡献率达38.98%,显示再生季的库容量来源于多穗。头季稻的有效穗数、有效穗数与母茎数比率,均与再生稻产量极显著相关,系数分别为-0.86和0.82,经回归分析获得再生稻产量预测模型,其预测准确率分别为70.6%~99.6%和76.5%~99.5%。
      结论  再生季产量是衡量再生力强弱的直接依据,而头季有效穗数、有效穗数与母茎数比率是强再生力品种的重要筛选指标。经鉴定和筛选,内6优7206、川优7185、川优7206、荃优7028为再生稻优良组合。


      Objective  To establish an indexing system on rice ratooning ability for studies and breeding of hybrids.
      Methods  Twenty-three varieties including 3 representing different developing ages were cultivated under same conditions in Youxi county, Sanming, Fujian from 2015 to 2017. Correlation, regression and path analyses were conducted on the traits, yield and yield factors on the cultivars.
      Results  The 1st-season rice yield of the cultivars significantly correlated with the grain number per panicle (r=0.83) with a 54.61% contribution to the yield indicating a critical role of heavy panicles to high yield. In ratooning season, the yield significantly related to the effective panicle number (r=0.70) with a 38.98% contribution rate suggesting a shift of storage capacity in the plants between the two seasons. The effective panicle count and the effective panicle/stem number ratio of the rice plants in the 1st season significantly correlated with the yield in the following season at r=-0.86 and 0.82, respectively. A prediction model derived from the regression analysis base on the panicle count for the ratooning rice yield was 70.6%-99.6% accurate and, based on the effective panicle/stem number ratio, 76.5%-99.5%.
      Conclusions  As a measure of the ratooning ability of a rice variety, the panicle count and/or the effective panicle/stem number ratio of the plants could be used to appropriately estimate the yield. Accordingly, Nei-6-you 7206, Chuan-you 7185, Chuan-you 7206, and Quan-you 7028 were identified as superior varieties for breeding hybrids with a strong ratooning ability.


