Objective To explore the application of single imprinted QTL mapping based on random mating of natural populations and analyze key factors affecting the mapping accuracy.
Method Assuming the trait determined by the imprinted QTL to be quantitative and a linear relationship between the trait and the markers existed, then the least squares method could be used to estimate the QTL mapping and genetic parameters. The imprinted QTL mapping was generated by computer simulating the single-point markers as well as a real data set of natural population markers. The statistical power and parameter estimation accuracy of different genotype frequencies, heritability rates, and random mating rounds were compared. The significance of imprinted QTLs was determined by using F- and t-tests.
Result Through a simulation study, it was proven that the experimental design was effective in detecting a single imprinted QTL. When the MAF was greater than 5% and the imprinted heritability greater than 10%, the iQTLs positions and genetic parameters were presumably unbiased
Conclusion Using random mating in the nature to generate mapping populations could conceivably be used to locate single-imprinted QTLs with acceptable results of localization. It seemed to be an effective design for the next step for QTL mapping.