• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Research progress of drought stress to Camellia oleifera

  • 摘要: 油茶是我国南方重要的油料植物,对南方经济林、生物质能源的生产有重要贡献。干旱胁迫是油茶生长过程中常遇到的一种逆境胁迫,油茶属中等耐旱植物,但在缺水环境下,尤其是在其生长发育的关键期,干旱胁迫对油茶枝条生长发育均会产生严重影响,进而引发油茶生长受限,产量下降,造成重大的经济损失,开展相关研究极具现实意义。本文综述了干旱胁迫对油茶形态发育、生理响应的影响,以及应对干旱胁迫有关措施的研究进展;针对油茶干旱胁迫研究现状,提出未来相关研究方向。


    Abstract: Camellia oleifera is a crop for food oil in China that constitutes an important part of the economic vegetation and bio-energy source in the southern regions. Being only moderate drought-resistant, C. oleifera can be vulnerable to the stress of water deprivation, especially during its growing and developing periods. The ill-effects brought about by the stress may include growth retardation and yield decline resulting in financial losses to the farmers. Consequently, studies to understand and mitigate the stress-induced hazard is of interest to the scientists and agricultural professionals. This article summarizes the publications on the mechanisms involving C. oleifera in dealing with drought-stress. The morphological adjustments, physiology responses, and drought relief of the plants and the measures current available and under study for the stress alleviation as well as suggestions for future research are presented.


