• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


A New Blast-resistant Long-grain Hybrid Restorer Rice Line, Fuhui 7076

  • 摘要:
      目的  福建稻区稻瘟病多发,快速高效培育稻瘟病抗性较强的新品系,使其适应不断发生变异的稻瘟病菌生理小种,从而保持水稻主栽品种的抗瘟性,可为高效培育新品种奠定基础。
      方法  于2008年,对农艺性状优良但抗稻瘟病性较弱的强恢复系(航2号)进行EMS(ems mutagenesis,甲基磺酸乙酯)化学诱变,经过多年多点不同生态区的定向培育,并结合抗瘟性鉴定,筛选具有目标性状的新恢复系。
      结果  于2012年选育出籼型恢复系福恢7076。福恢7076既保持了航2号广亲和性、强恢复力、高配合力的优良特点,同时在品质和产量等方面均较航2号有所改善,稻瘟病抗性表现为中抗 (MR)。用福恢7076与赣香A配组的杂交水稻新组合赣优7076,参加2015–2016年云南省杂交籼稻品种试验,两年平均产量为10 711.5 kg·hm−2,比对照品种F优498增产3.24%,增产点率68.42%,2017年通过云南省农作物品种审定委员会审定(滇审稻2017009)。
      结论  对农艺性状优良但抗稻瘟病性较弱的强恢复系(航2号)进行EMS化学诱变后,经过多年多点不同生态区的定向培育,再通过在稻瘟病多发稻区的筛选,加速了自然选择的过程,相比于长期的自然选择,可以更快地获得即具备亲本优良性状又具备稻瘟病抗性的新恢复系。


      Objectives  A new blast-resistant lines of rice suitable for cultivation in Fujian province was generated with an efficient breeding method.
      Methods  Applying the EMS chemical mutagenesis, Hang 2 with excellent agronomic traits except blast-resistance was selected to breed a hybrid restorer line through directional cultivations in areas with varied ecological conditions. Disease-resistance of the lines was verified to finalize the process and hybrid selection.
      Results  The hybrid Indica restorer line, Fuhui 7076, not only inherited the desirable agronomic traits of Hang 2, such as wide compatibility, strong resilience, and high combining ability, but also performed superior on the quality and yield as well as an MR (medium resistance) rating on blast. Utilizing Fuhui 7076 to cross with Ganxiang A, Ganyou 7076 gave a 2-year average yield of 10,711.5 kg/hectare at the 2015 and 2016 Yunnan Provincial Indica Hybrid Rice Trials. The yield was 3.24%, and the rate of increase 68.42%, higher than control, F You 498. In 2017 , Ganyou 7076 was certified by the Crop Certification Committee of Yunnan Province (Certificate No. 2017009).
      Conclusions  With the EMS chemical mutagenesis, the agronomically desirable Hang 2 was bred to be blast-resistant. Through years of continued directional selection in blast-prone rice farming regions of varied ecosystems, the time required for natural mutation process was significantly shortened in the breeding of the disease-resistant variety.


