• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Field Determination on Anthracnose-resistance of Sorghum Cultivars in Guizhou

  • 摘要:
      目的  观察高粱叶部炭疽病发病特点,筛选贵州地方抗炭疽病高粱资源,探明高粱抗病机理。
      方法  于田间以粉碎秸秆及高粱病叶作为侵染源,将收集到的贵州地方高粱资源进行为期2年的叶部炭疽病抗性等级鉴定。
      结果  两份资源B39-2、F41表现为高度抗病,等级数值为2。7份资源为中度抗病,但抗性表现依赖于病害环境。两份资源E36、F4含有极端分布的等级数值,266份资源为感病材料。资源中极少部分材料存在多个等级数值,说明这些资源存在杂合基因型。
      结论  通过两年的田间抗病鉴定,鉴定出的2份高抗资源有稳定抗性,可用于后续研究与品种选育。鉴选方法上,使用粉碎秸秆和病叶作为侵染源比单独使用粉碎秸秆能更有效地鉴定高抗资源。


      Objective  Resistance of local sorghum varieties in Guizhou to anthracnose was determined by artificially infecting the plants in the field.
      Method  Using both crushed straws and diseased leaves to induce the anthracnose infection on 283 cultivars of sorghum in Guizhou, a field experimentation was conducted in two separate years to examine and classify the disease resistance of the crop plants.
      Result  Among the cultivars, B39-2 and F41 showed a high, Grade 2 resistance to anthracnose. Seven cultivars were moderately resistant to the disease in varying degrees depending upon the environmental conditions. E36 and F4 exhibited resistance that varied greatly. A few were of heterozygous genotypes displaying multiple grades of resistance. And the remaining 266 specimens were susceptible to the disease.
      Conclusion  Two outstanding local sorghum cultivars in Guizhou were highly and consistently resistant to anthracnose that were to be further studied for breeding programs. This study showed the combined use of crushed straws and diseased leaves to artificially infect sorghum plants to be more effective than applying crushed straws alone in determining the degree of the disease resistance.


