• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Applying Chinese Herbal Medicine Spent for Greenhouse Watermelon Cultivation

  • 摘要:
      目的  减少中药渣废弃物资源浪费,有效缓解农业面源污染问题,探讨其资源化利用的可行性。
      方法  以充分发酵腐熟的中药渣为主要原料,按照不同体积比复配牛粪、菇渣等,研究不同中药渣复合基质配方的理化性质变化及其对设施西瓜生长及果实产量品质的影响。
      结果  随着中药渣复配量的增加,基质总孔隙度、通气孔隙、大小孔隙比、pH及EC值(电导率)增大,容重和持水孔隙下降;随生育期推进,各配方处理下的西瓜叶片SPAD值和净光合速率Pn均呈现先升后降的趋势,在开花坐果期达到峰值,胞间CO2浓度Ci逐渐升高,在成熟期达到峰值;V(中药渣)∶V(牛粪)∶V(菇渣)=3∶4∶3配方的植株地上部干重、地上部鲜重、地下部干重、地下部鲜重和主根长分别较对照显著增加了33.15%、34.29%、35.36%、30.26%和37.33%;在开花坐果期,V (中药渣)∶ V (牛粪)∶ V (菇渣)=3∶4∶3配方的叶片SPAD值、Pn、气孔导度Gs和蒸腾速率Tr较对照显著增加了12.24%、8.47%、93.94%和9.85%,Ci较对照显著减少了8.65%,V (中药渣)∶ V (牛粪)∶ V (菇渣)=3∶3∶4配方的叶片水分利用效率WUE较对照显著增加了70.25%;V (中药渣)∶ V (牛粪)∶ V (菇渣)=3∶4∶3配方的果实产量达最大值,较对照显著增产21.23%,V (中药渣)∶ V (牛粪)∶ V (菇渣)=3∶3∶4配方、V (中药渣)∶ V (牛粪)∶ V (菇渣)=3∶1∶1配方产量较对照显著减产12.49%、36.47%,其他配方产量与对照无显著差异(P<0.05);V (中药渣)∶ V (牛粪)∶ V (菇渣)=4∶3∶3配方、V (中药渣)∶ V (牛粪)∶ V (菇渣) =3∶4∶3配方的果实可溶性固性物含量较对照显著增加了9.32%、12.08%,V (中药渣)∶ V (牛粪)∶ V (菇渣)=3∶3∶4配方、V (中药渣)∶ V (牛粪)∶ V (菇渣)=3∶1∶1配方较对照显著降低了8.63%、12.66%,其他各配方间无显著差异。
      结论  利用中药渣复合基质进行设施西瓜栽培是可行的,适宜设施西瓜基质栽培中药渣的复配量为30%,V (中药渣)∶ V (牛粪)∶ V (菇渣)=3∶4∶3为设施西瓜栽培的最佳复合基质配方。


      Objective  To utilize spent of Chinese herbal medicine materials after extraction, feasibility of the application as a soilless substrate for watermelon cultivation in a greenhouse was studied.
      Methods  The herbal residues were fully fermented and decomposed prior to mixing with cow dung, mushroom discards, and other waste materials in varied proportions for the experiment. Effects of the substrates on the plant growth and yield and quality of watermelon in a greenhouse were analyzed.
      Results  Increasing amount of the spent material raised the porosity, aeration pores, ratio of pore sizes as well as the pH and EC, but lowered the bulk density and water holding pores of the substrates. As the plants grew, the SPAD and net photosynthetic rate (Pn) of the leaves rose at first to peak in the flowering and fruit setting stages and declined afterward. Meanwhile, the intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) continuously increased to reach a maximum at maturity. For the various formulations, Chinese medicine residue V cow dung V mushroom residue V=3 4 3 produced plants with 33.15% increase on the dried weight of aboveground parts, 34.29% on the fresh weight of aboveground parts, 35.36% on the dried weight of underground parts, 30.26% on the fresh weight of underground parts, and 37.33% on the main root length over control. During flowering and fruit setting, the leaf SPAD, Pn, stomatal conductance (Gs), and transpiration rate (Tr) were significantly higher than those of control by 12.24%, 8.47%, 93.94%, and 9.85%, respectively, but Ci significantly lower by 8.65%. The leaf water use efficiency (WUE) of the plants grown on Chinese medicine residue V cow dung V mushroom residue V=3 3 4 was significantly greater than that of control by 70.25%. On fruit yield, the plants under Chinese medicine residue V cow dung V mushroom residue V= 3 4 3 were the highest with a significant increase over control by 21.23%. In contrast, Chinese medicine residue V cow dung V mushroom residue V =3 3 4 and Chinese medicine residue V cow dung V mushroom residue V =3 1 1 cultivations resulted in significantly reduced yields by 12.49% and 36.47%, respectively, while the other formulations exerted no significant differences in comparison to control (P<0.05). The melons harvested from Chinese medicine residue V cow dung V mushroom residue V =4 3 3 and Chinese medicine residue V cow dung V mushroom residue V =3 4 3 treatments had significantly higher soluble solid contents than control, but those from Chinese medicine residue V cow dung V mushroom residue V =3 3 4 and Chinese medicine residue V cow dung V mushroom residue V =3 1 1 significantly lower by 8.63% and 12.66%, respectively. No significant effects by other treatments were observed.
      Conclusion  It seemed feasible to use the traditional Chinese medicine spent for watermelon cultivation. An inclusion of the material with cow dung and mushroom discards in the ratio of 3 4 3 in the soilless substrate was considered optimal for melon cultivation, and at the same time, for effective cost reduction on production and waste disposal.


