• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Effects of N×S Interactions on Yield and Fertilizer Utilization of Fragrant Rice Grown at Different Habitats

  • 摘要:
      目的  选配不同生境适用的可提高香稻产量及肥料利用率的理想氮硫互作组合。
      方法  2018年在广东江门(生境1)和湖南辰溪(生境2)等2个生境中,采用田间试验裂区设计,主区为氮肥、硫肥配施水平,副区为不同香稻品种;施肥水平有3个,氮肥分别为0(N1)、90(N2) 和180 (N3)kg·hm−2,硫肥分别为0(S1)、45(S2)、90(S3)kg·hm−2,氮肥、硫肥水平两两组合,共有N1S1(对照)、N1S2、N1S3、N2S1、N2S2、N2S3、N3S1、N3S2、N3S3等 9个处理组合,每个处理设3个重复,合计27个小区,随机分布。副区品种选用优质香稻品种湘晚籼13号和湘晚籼17号。
      结果  (1)生境2(湖南辰溪)水稻生长发育期间的气温日较差大、夜间温度较低,水稻生育期长、红壤水稻土保水保肥的能力高,使其有效穗数、每穗总粒数及香稻产量极显著高于广东江门(生境1),但结实率极显著低于生境1(P<0.01)。(2)氮硫互作处理N3S3、N3S2、N2S2、N2S1、N2S3、N3S1均极显著增加了香稻的产量;N3S2、N2S2、N2S1、N2S3、N3S1极显著增加了单位面积有效穗数、结实率和千粒重,但极显著降低了每穗总粒数(每穗颖花数)(P<0.01)。(3)生境1的N2S3极显著增加了水稻湘晚籼13号的产量和氮肥利用率。生境2的N3S2处理极显著增加了湘晚籼17号的产量和硫肥利用率、氮肥利用率,其产量N3S2>N3S3>N2S1>N2S2>N3S1>N2S3,均极显著大于湘晚籼13号的各氮硫互作处理(P<0.01)。(4)生境1的湘晚籼13号的氮肥利用率随施硫量的增加呈先增加后降低的抛物线趋势,高硫(N2S3和N3S3处理)均显著降低了氮肥利用率;其硫肥利用率在S2的施肥条件下随施氮水平的增加极显著增加,N3S2最高达24.44 kg·kg−1。湘晚籼17号在N2施氮水平时氮肥利用率随施硫量的增加而增加,在高氮条件增施高硫(N3S3)能显著提高其氮肥利用率;其硫肥利用率随施氮量的增加呈先增加后减少的抛物线型,最高的N2S3处理达4.85 kg·kg−1。(5)生境2的湘晚籼13号氮肥利用率均随施硫量的增加而增加;而硫肥利用率最高的是N2S2处理,为19.11 kg·kg−1。湘晚籼17号氮肥利用率随着施硫水平的增加而显著降低;其硫肥利用率也在高氮条件下随施硫量的增加而降低;其中最高的是N3S2处理,达69.27 kg·kg−1,其次是N3S3处理。
      结论  生境、氮硫互作处理及品种均不同程度地影响了香稻产量和产量构成指数及肥料利用率;N2S3极显著增加了水稻湘晚籼13号的产量和氮肥利用率。湖南辰溪的N3S2处理极显著增加了湘晚籼17号的产量和硫肥利用率、氮肥利用率。


      Objective  To optimize N×S interactions at differentiated habitats for maximal yield and fertilizer use efficiency of fragrant rice.
      Methods   A split-plot experiment was conducted in 2018 at two typically different fragrant rice production areas, Habit 1 at Jiangmen, Guangdong and Habit 2 at Chenxi, Hunan. The main lots were designed for varied applications of N and S, while the sublots for planting of two cultivars of high-quality fragrant rice. The N application rates included 0 (N1), 90 kg·hm−2 (N2), and 180 kg·hm−2 (N3), and the S at 0 (S1), 45 kg·hm−2 (S2), and 90 kg·hm−2 (S3). A total of 9 treatments of combined N×S applications, i.e., N1S1 (control), N1S2, N1S3, N2S1, N2S2, N2S3, N3S1, N3S2, and N3S3, with 3 replicates on the randomly distributed sublots were implemented.
      Results   (1) Because Habit 2 had a wider range of daily temperatures, cooler night temperature, longer growing period for the rice, and greater ability of the red paddy soil to retain water and fertilizer than Habit 1, the rice grown on Habit 2 had significant higher yield, number of productive spikes, and total grain number per panicle (P<0.01). (2) N3S3, N3S2, N2S2, N2S1, N2S3, and N3S1 significantly increased the rice yield and N3S2, N2S2, N2S1, N2S3, and N3S1 significantly raised the number of productive ears per unit area, seed setting rate, and 1 000-grain weight of the rice but significantly reduced the total grain number per panicle (P<0.01). (3) At Habit 1, N2S3 significantly increased the yield and N use efficiency of the rice variety, Xiangwanxian No.13. At Habitat 2, the yield and N and S use efficiency of Xiangwanxian No.17 were significantly increased by N3S2 with the increases ranking as N3S2>N3S3>N2S1>N2S2>N3S1>N2S3 (P<0.01), which were significantly higher than those for Xiangwanxian No.13. (4) The N use efficiency of Xiangwanxian No.13 at Habit 1 increased and then decreased parabolically with increasing S. The S use efficiency of rice plants reached a peak of 24.44 kg·kg−1 under N3S2 and declined at a high S application level, such as N2S3 and N3S3. On the other hand, the N use efficiency of Xiangwanxian No.17 in Habit 1 increased with increasing S under N2, but so did N3S3. On the S use efficiency of the rice plants, the parabolic effect of N was also observed with N2S3 yielding the maximum at 4.85 kg·kg−1. (5) The N utilization by Xiangwanxian No.13 at Habit 2 improved with S application, but the S use efficiency peaked at 19.11 kg·kg−1 under N2S2. Whereas Xiangwanxian No.17 showed a decreased N use efficiency upon increasing S, as well as the S use efficiency decreased from 69.27 kg·kg−1 under N3S2 to that under N3S3.
      Conclusion   To varying degrees habitat, cultivar, and N×S interaction all affected the yield, yield components as well as the N and S use efficiency of the fragrant rice. N2S3 significantly increased the yield and N use efficiency of Xiangwanxian No.13, and N3S2 of Xiangwanxian No.17.


