• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Breeding of Green and High-quality Two-line Hybrid Rice B Liangyou 164

  • 摘要:
      目的  选育优质、抗病杂交稻新品种,满足市场对优质、抗病水稻品种的需求。
      方法  以抗病恢复系中组14为母本,授以强恢复系明恢863的花粉,后代经多年多代在福建三明沙县琅口和海南三亚福建南繁基地来回穿梭加代育种,以及在福建将乐黄潭、上杭茶地等地进行稻瘟病抗性鉴定,从中筛选出抗稻瘟病的优良单株进行加代,于2011年育成优势强、群体整齐一致的抗病恢复系明恢164;2014年夏季在沙县用Bph68S与明恢164进行制种(B两优164)。B两优164于2015—2016年参加福建省晚稻品比试验,2017—2018年参加福建省晚稻区域试验、生产试验,2018—2019年参加长江中下游中籼迟熟组联合体区域试验、生产试验。
      结果  B两优164在福建省晚稻区域试验中平均产量达8 312.18 kg·hm−2,比对照宜优673增产8.94%;在长江中下游中籼迟熟组联合体区域试验中平均产量达9 867.15 kg·hm−2,比对照丰两优四号增产5.68%;于2019年通过福建省农作物品种委员会审定(闽审稻20190024),2020年通过国家农作物品种委员会审定(国审稻20200221)。
      结论  B两优164是稳产、高产、中抗稻瘟病、中抗褐飞虱的优质稻品种,其米质达国标三级优质稻品种品质标准,可在长江中下游作中稻和在福建全省作晚稻种植。


      Objective   A high-quality, disease-and-pest-resistant hybrid rice variety was bred to meet the market demand for green and quality food.
      Method   The disease- and pest-resistant Zhongzu 14 as the female parent and the quality restorer Minghui 863 line as the male parent were used for the hybridization. The time required for the continuous self-crossing process was shortened by conducting part of the experiment in winter in warmer southern province of Hainan, instead of Fujian. To ensure a stable blast resistance, only the progenies confirmed to meet the quality requirement were selected for the proceeding test. A strong on heterosis, uniform in population, and disease-resistant restorer line, Minghui 164, was thus obtained in 2011. It was crossed with Bph68S, a planthoppers-resistant two-line genic male sterile line, to arrive at a new two-line hybrid indica rice named B Liangyou 164 in the summer of 2014. Subsequently, the new hybrid rice was submitted for evaluation at the Provincial Late Variety Comprehensive Trial in 2015-2016, the Regional Test and Production Trial in 2017-2018, and the Regional and Production Trial of Middle and Lower Yangtze River in 2018-2019.
      Result   The average yield of B Liangyou 164 in the regional test in Fujian reached 8 312.18 kg·hm−2, which was 8.94% higher than that of the reference variety, Yiyou 673, and in the Yangtze River 9 867.15 kg·hm−2, which was 5.68% higher than that of the reference variety, Fengliangyou No.4. The newly bred variety was certified by the Fujian Province Crop Variety Approval Committee as well as the National Crop Variety Approval Committee in 2020.
      Conclusion   B Liangyou 164 was a stable high-yield hybrid rice variety with moderate resistance to rice blast and brown planthopper. It met the Grade-3 international standard for high quality rice as stipulated by the Ministry of Agriculture and, consequently, considered appropriate for cultivation as mid-season rice in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and as late-season variety in Fujian.


