• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Evaluation of Paeonia lactiflora Varieties for Introduction to Yangzhou

  • 摘要:
      目的  筛选出适宜江苏扬州地区种植的国外芍药资源,建立引种国外芍药品种综合性评价体系,从而能更好地为扬州乃至长江中下游地区芍药种质资源创新及产业化发展提供支撑。
      方法  对引种的21个国外芍药品种适应性、植株特性和观赏性进行观测,共选取12个性状指标,并采用层次分析法(AHP)进行综合评价,最终得出每个品种的综合性状评分值并进行排名和等级划分。
      结果  确定了12个评价指标的权重值,其中热害指数、花姿态、鳞芽分生能力和单朵花期所占比重较大,分别为0.4180、0.1496、0.1393、0.0898。依据品种综合性评价得分,将评分结果划分为3个等级,皮特布兰德、莎拉伯恩哈特精选、希拉里、奶油碗、嘉年华、老忠诚、果汁冰淇淋和天使面颊共8个品种综合评分大于3.5,位列I级,适宜在扬州地区推广应用;七叶树之恋、秀兰·邓波尔、栀子花、红色魅力、戴安娜和堪萨斯共6个品种综合评分为3.0~3.5,位列II级,具有一定的应用价值,可适量推广;花季少年、公爵夫人优选、阳光女孩、柠檬雪纺、御前演出、珊瑚魅力和伽马共7个品种综合评分小于3.0,位列III级,不推荐在扬州地区引种栽培和推广应用。
      结论  应用层次分析法建立的综合评价体系能够准确地对国外芍药资源进行评价与分级。


      Objective   A variety of Paeonia lactiflora imported from abroad were evaluated for landscaping in Yangzhou, Jiangsu and for germplasm collection.
      Method   The adaptability, characteristics, and ornamental quality of 21 peony varieties from foreign countries were examined based upon 12 selected criteria for a comprehensive evaluation using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Scores on the criteria were used to grade each variety for selection. Result The weighing of the scores on heat damage index, flower posture, bud differentiation, and florescence of single flower were more heavily among all indicators at 0.4180, 0.1496, 0.1393, and 0.0898, respectively. Of the 21 varieties, 8 (e.g., Peter Brand) scored greater than 3.5 were classified as Grade I and considered appropriated for promotion and application in the region; 6 (e.g., Buckeye Belle) between 3.0 and 3.5 as potentially applicable Grade II; and 7 (e.g., Teenage Boy) below 3.0 as Grade III not recommended for the introduction.
      Conclusion   The comprehensive evaluation using the analytic hierarchy process classified the 21 peony germplasms for resource collection and introduction for landscape in Yangzhou and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River regions.


