• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Breeding an Aromatic, High-quality, High-yield Hybrid Rice Yexiangyou 669

  • 摘要:
      目的  选育产量、米质和抗性相协调的香型优质水稻新品种。
      方法  利用亲本间的遗传多样性和农艺性状的互补性,以高产、高配合力的父本福恢669与香型、优质、抗病的不育系野香A杂交,结合多生态点抗性鉴定、高温逼熟后品质分析、多年多点品比试验等相结合。
      结果  选育出优质、高产、抗病,株叶态协调的杂交稻品种野香优669。 2019–2020年参加福建省中稻区域试验,全生育期两年平均139.8 d, 比对照II优3301早熟1.1 d,产量平均9363 kg·hm−2,比对照增产2.24%,未达显著水平。两年稻瘟病抗性鉴定综合评价为抗稻瘟病,稻米品质达部颁一等优质食用稻品种品质标准,2021年通过福建省农作物审定委员会审定(闽审稻20210014)。野香优669聚合了来自双亲的22个有利基因,其中6个为单方携带,16个为双亲均携带。
      结论  野香优669产量高、抗性强、品质好、口感佳,在生产上大面积推广应用,是福建省农业主推品种之一。


      Objective   An aromatic, high-quality, high-yield, disease-resistant rice variety was bred.
      Method  Utilizing the genetic diversity and complementing agronomic traits between the male parent, Fuhui 669 with high yield and combining ability, and the female parent, the fragrant, high-quality, disease-resistant sterile line Yexiang A, a new breed of rice were generated. The hybrid was subjected to multiple ecological resistance identification, a quality analysis after high temperature maturation, and years of multi-point comparison test prior to final selection.
      Result  The high-quality, high-yield, disease-resistant Yexiangyou 669 of a desirable plant type was obtained and submitted to the regional trial for mid-season rice in Fujian from 2019 to 2020. In the 2-year trial, it showed an average growth period of 139.8 d, which was 1.1 d shorter than the reference cultivar, II You 3301, and an average yield of 9 363 kg·hm−2, which was 2.24% higher than control but not statistically significant. It exhibited resistance to rice blast and up to the national Grade A quality. In 2021, it was certified by the Fujian Provincial Crop Approval Committee as the Min Approved Rice No. 20210014. Yexiangyou 669 had inherited 6 desirable genes from one parent and 16 common to both parents.
      Conclusion  The new hybrid rice Yexiangyou 669 had high yield, strong disease resistance, and superb grain quality and was promoted as one of the main varieties in the province.


