Objective A method to effectively evaluate the quality of Crassulaceae germplasms in Fujian was established.
Method Based on horticultural traits, ornamental property, weather adaptability, and potential applications, 48 varieties of succulent plants in the germplasm collection in Fujian were classified by means of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP)and K-Means clustering.
Result The AHP analysis selected 14 morphological traits, including leaf color, mesophyll texture development, adaptability to summer conditions, plant appearance, and flowering period, which contributed a weight of 61.2% of the total ranking score, to be the key evaluation criteria. The K-Means clustering graded 7 cultivars of the 48 germplasms, Echeveri agavoides 'Ebony', Graptopetalum 'Purple Delight', Echeveria 'Alba Beauty', Graptoveria 'Opalina', Echeveria nodulosa 'Maruba', Echeveria 'Blue Elf', and Echeveria 'Peach Pride', as excellent, while 14 including Crassula rupestris F. as good and the remainders, average.
Conclusion The classification on quality of Crassulaceae germplasms applied AHP and K-Means clustering basically agreed with the field observations in choosing the two top-grade groups that accounted for 43.75% of the 48 succulent plants to be the candidates for breeding and promotion.