• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Changes in Morphological Characteristics and Endogenous Hormone Content during Flower Bud Differentiation in Bombax ceiba

  • 摘要:
      目的  木棉(Bombax ceiba)在我国华南地区被广泛应用于园林绿化,其果期飘絮会引发呼吸系统疾病、交通事故等各种问题。探究木棉花芽分化过程中的结构特征变化及主要内源激素含量变化,为利用植物生长调节剂调控其开花从而治理飞絮提供理论基础。
      方法  以不同时期的木棉花芽为试材,通过石蜡切片观察分化过程中的花芽形态变化,并测定花芽内源激素脱落酸(Abscisci acid, ABA)、赤霉素(Gibberellin acid, GA3)、生长素(Indoleacetic acid, IAA)、玉米核苷素(trans-zeatin riboside, ZR)的含量。
      结果  木棉花芽分化过程分为前分化期、花原基分化期、萼片原基分化期、花瓣原基分化期、雌雄蕊原基分化期和雌雄蕊形成期。10月上旬可检测到花原基分化,10月中旬萼片原基分化出现,花瓣原基分化在10月下旬,雌雄蕊原基分化及雌雄蕊形成分别可于11月中上旬和11月下旬检测到。木棉花芽分化过程中,ABA和GA3的含量显著高于IAA和ZR的含量,其中ABA和GA3含量整体呈下降趋势,IAA含量先下降后上升再下降,ZR含量先上升后下降;ZR/GA3、(ZR+IAA)/GA3比值整体呈上升趋势,GA3/IAA比值整体呈下降趋势,ZR/IAA比值在花芽分化过程中先上升后下降,ABA/GA3比值呈现“上升-下降-上升”的变化趋势,(GA3+ZR+IAA)/ABA比值在花芽分化过程中表现为前期下降后回升,然后再下降。
      结论  木棉花芽分化过程根据其形态结构可划分为六个阶段,在此过程中ABA和GA3含量远高于ZR和IAA的含量,且含量变化与花芽分化过程呈现显著负相关。因此,在花芽分化前期提高GA3水平,或花瓣原基分化期提高ABA水平可能可以起到抑制花芽分化的作用,并减轻因大量飞絮导致的过敏和交通干扰等困扰。


      Objective  Morphology and endogenous hormones of Bombax ceiba flower buds in differentiation were studied to aid the control of fallen debris at fruiting stage of the popular landscape plant in southern China.
      Methods   Morphology of the flower buds of B. ceiba at differentiation phases were observed with the paraffin sections under a microscope and contents of endogenous GA3, IAA, ABA, and ZR determined.
      Results  The flower bud development was classified in the phases of pre-differentiation, primordium differentiation, sepal primordium differentiation, petal primordium differentiation, stamen and pistil primordium differentiation, and stamen and pistil formation. The flower primordium differentiated in early October, while the sepal primordium did in mid-October, the petal primordium in late October, the female and stamen primordium in mid-early November, and the female and stamen formed in late November. During differentiation, GA3 and ABA in the buds were significantly higher than IAA and ZR. They generally decreased, but IAA declined at first, followed by an increase and another decline, whereas ZR rose initially and fell subsequently. The ratios of ZR/GA3 and (ZR+IAA)/GA3 were on an increasing trend, GA3/IAA decreasing, ZR/IAA and ABA/IAA rising at first followed by declining, ABA/GA3 rising-falling-rising, and (GA3+ZR+IAA)/ABA falling-rising-falling as the differentiation progressed.
      Conclusion  The process of B. ceiba bud differentiation can be divided into six stages based on its morphological structure, in which the contents of ABA and GA3 are much higher than those of ZR and IAA , and the changes in the contents showed a significant negative correlation with the bud differentiation process. Consequently, applying either GA3 on the plant prior to the process begins or ABA at the petal primordial differentiation phase could deter the floral development and mitigate the nuisance of causing human allergy and traffic interference due to the massive tree falloffs.


