• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Diversity and Phenotypes of 140 Newly Introduced Oryza sativa Japonica Germplasms

  • 摘要:
    目的 丰富福建省粳稻资源并筛选优异的水稻种质资源创新材料,提高粳稻育种亲本选配的针对性和育种效率。
    方法 对新引进的140份粳稻资源10个表型性状进行类别分布、表型变异、遗传多样性分析、相关分析、聚类分析及主成分分析。
    结果 10个表型性状各类别的分布以中间类型为主,同时存在少量极端类型,变异系数在6.87%~36.86%,穗粒数的变异系数最大,谷粒长度变异系数最小,遗传多样性指数变化范围1.87~2.07,有效穗数的遗传多样性指数最高,谷粒形状的遗传多样性指数最低;穗粒数与全生育期、株高和穗长呈极显著正相关,与有效穗率、结实率呈极显著负相关;5个类群粳稻资源的表型性状有明显差异,且每个类群中粳稻资源的数量不同,具有丰富的遗传多样性;共提取了4个主成分,累积贡献率为77.42%,这4个主成分可以代表表型性状的主要遗传信息;利用D值综合评价选出排名前10位的资源分别是当育5号、奥村学、中大菲、中花15号、云冷22号、BG1、农虎禾、毕梗42、兴图、G珍汕9713
    结论 这10份资源在综合农艺性状及产量上具有一定优势,对福建粳稻育种亲本的选配、品种改良等应用研究具有重要意义。


    Objective  Genetic diversity and phenotypes of 140 newly introduced Oryza sativa Japonica were studied and organized for germplasms collection and breeding selection.
    Method On the 140 germplasms, 10 phenotypic traits were classified by variations on distribution, types, genetic diversity, correlation, clustering, and principal components.
    Results  With a few exceptions, the 10 phenotypic traits was mainly intermediate type ranging 6.87%–36.86% on the coefficients of variation. The panicle count was the highest and the grain length the lowest types; while the effective panicle count the greatest and the grain shape the least on genetic diversity index that varied from 1.87 to 2.07. The number of panicle grains of the germplasms correlated positively with the entire growth period, plant height, and panicle length, but negatively with the effective panicle rate and setting rate. Significant differences in the phenotypic traits were found of the Japonica rice in 5 taxa varying in numbers for each taxon reflecting a rich genetic diversity. Four principal components in the phenotypes accounting for 77.42% of total were extracted. The top 10 germplasms with the highest comprehensive evaluation D values were Dangyu 5, Okumura Xue, Zhongdafei, Zhonghua 15, Yunleng 22, BG1, Nonghuhe, Bigeng 42, Xingtu, and G Zhenshan 9713.
    Conclusion Ten Japonica rice germplasms with desirable overall agronomic traits and yield potential were selected from 140 varieties for a broadened collection.


