• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Infestation, Population Dynamics, and Host Preference of Thrips on Flowering Pummelo Plants

  • 摘要:
    目的 明确福建蜜柚花期蓟马的为害特征、种类组成、种群时空动态及寄主选择性,为针对性制定防控措施提供科学依据。
    方法 选取漳州市平和县传统蜜柚果园为调查地点,以红肉蜜柚、白肉蜜柚和葡萄柚等蜜柚果树为对象,采集蜜柚花上的蓟马及被为害幼果,利用形态学特征对蓟马进行鉴定,记录不同采样时间、海拔高度、蜜柚品种的蓟马种类及数量,检测幼果营养品质。
    结果 蜜柚花期蓟马为害导致果蒂周围形成环状疤痕,而且影响幼果果皮及果肉的营养成分,果皮的水分和干基蛋白质含量显著降低,灰分和总糖含量显著升高,而果肉仅有干基蛋白质显著降低。蜜柚花期蓟马属混合种群,由黄胸蓟马(Thrips hawaiiensis)、花蓟马(Frankliniella intonsa)、茶黄蓟马(Scirtothrips dorsali)、杜鹃蓟马(Thrips anderwsi)等组成,其优势种为黄胸蓟马,占比为70.8%~92.0%。蜜柚花期蓟马种群数量随时间及海拔高度而改变,3月下旬至4月上旬种群数量达高峰区,为20头·株−1以上,且高海拔种植园蜜柚蓟马发生数量显著高于中低海拔种植园。蜜柚花期蓟马对不同品种蜜柚的嗜好选择存在显著差异,传统品种红肉蜜柚、白肉蜜柚上蓟马发生数量显著高于葡萄柚等新引进品种。
    结论 蜜柚花期蓟马不仅影响柚子的外观品质,也影响其内在营养品质。花期蓟马群落中优势种为黄胸蓟马,需重点防控,在针对性防控措施制定时应考虑开花时期、海拔高度及蜜柚品种对蓟马种群数量的影响。


    Objective Infestation, population dynamics, and host preferences of thrips on pummelo plants during flowering period were studied for an effective pest control.
    Method Traditionally managed pummelo orchards in Pinghe County, Zhangzhou City, Fujian that grew varieties including the conventional red and white pummelos and the newly introduced grapefruit were surveyed under this study. On sampling dates during pummelo flowering season, varieties of the infested pummelo plants and altitude of the plantation site as well as population of the invading thrips were recorded. Young pummelo fruits damaged by the pests were collected for nutritional quality determination.
    Results  Thrip infestation on pummelos was generally manifested with circular scars around the fruit stem and reduced nutrients in the peel and pulp of the affected young fruits. The moisture and protein contents in the peels were significantly decreased, but the ash and total sugar contents increased, while the protein in the pulp slightly declined. In the pummelo flowering stage, the thrip population was mainly comprised of Thrips hawaiensis, Frankliniella intonsa, Scirtothrips dorsalis, andT. anderwsi with T. hawaiensis being the dominant species that contributed 70.8%–92.0% of total. The population peaked in early April and significantly affected by both plant variety and plantation elevation. For instance, the pummelo orchards located in high altitude encountered significantly greater numbers of thrips, and the traditional red and white pummelos tended to attract significantly more thrips than the newly introduced varieties, such as grapefruits.
    Conclusion The flowering pummelo plants infested by thrips produced unappealing fruits with inferior nutritional quality. Being the dominant infestation species,T. hawaiensis should be prioritized in the prevention and control programs at the orchards. It would also be prudent to include pesticide application time, altitude of plantation location, and species of pummelo involved into consideration for the implementation.


