Combining Ability and Hereditary Capacity of 14 Maize Inbred Lines
摘要: 按P1×P2不完全双列杂交设计,分析了14个玉米自交系及其组配的24个组合的株高、穗位、穗长、穗粗、穗行数、行粒数、千粒重、产量等主要数量性状的配合力,从而筛选出5个优良自交系和6个强优势组合;配合力基因型方差与遗传力估算结果表明,大部分性状的加性方差明显大于显性方差,一般配合力表现出比特殊配合力较大的遗传份量,为此在选配组合时应注重选择一般配合力高的自交系做亲本。Abstract: The combining ability for main quantitative characters of 14 maize inbred lines and 24 combinations were analysed in P1譖2 incomplete diallel crossing design,and 5 excellent inbred lines and 6 strong superiority combinations were selected from them.The results of combining ability in genotypic variance and hereditary estimation showed that additive variance of most characters were higher than their dominant variance,heritability of general combining ability was higher than that of special combining ability,so inbred lines which had high general combining ability should be selected as parent materials.