• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Bionomics and Control of Spodoptera mauritia Baisduval Harming Bermuda Grass Turf

  • 摘要: 在福建发现灰翅夜蛾是危害狗牙根草坪的重要害虫,该虫在福州每年发生6~7代,以第6代后期及第7代早期老熟幼虫在草皮下或土缝里越冬,翌年4月中下旬开始发生危害,7~9月份该虫危害最为严重。文章报道该虫的生活年史、发育进度、生活习性等生物学特性和在福州登云高尔夫球场草坪上的防治结果。


    Abstract: It was found that Spodoptera mauritia Baisduval is one of important pests harming Bermuda grass turf in Fujian.It occurs six to seven generations a year in Fuzhou area.The mature larva of S.mauritia Baisduval in the late sixth or early seventh generation overwinter under the sod or soil. They start occuring and harming from the second ten days or the last ten days of April.The pest harms turf more seriously in July,August and September.Ih this paper,the bionomics such as life history,development speed and life habits and control effects in Sunmit golf course turf of Fuzhou was reported.


