A Study on Quantitative Classification for Male Reproductive Organ of Species and Interspecific Hybrids among Euazolla Subgenus
摘要: 以17种三膘亚属满江红及其种间杂种的雄性器官泡胶块为基本分类单位,根据数量分类的原理,定义了13种不同横隔数的钩毛为属性指标并测定其数量,而后利用模式分析软件(PATN)进行了聚类分析。通过探讨类群组与三膘亚属种(系)间亲缘性的关系,以及在种群鉴别中的作用,认为数量分类可作为满江红分类研究的有效手段。Abstract: This paper reported the result of classifying 17 species and varieties of Azolla based on priniciple of quantitative classification 13 indexs were determined according to the pattern of the different numbers of septa inside the glochidia of massulea,a male reproductive organ of Azolla,and the quantity of glochidia was counted for clustering analysis by using pattern analytic package.In relation of fusion group with interspecific affinity and specific recognition,the quantitative classification is regarded as an ideal way for Azolla classification and provides a prelimlnary foundation in application of computer to the study on Azolla.