• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


The Writing Standardization of Set-tech Papers Ⅱ.The Standard Expression of Sci-tech Papers

  • 摘要: 以最新国家标准为主线,结合多年科技期刊编辑出版的工作实践,较系统地研究探讨了科技论文写作规范化主题,分析并提出了农业科技论文的规范化表达要求,内容涉及科技论文的格式及标题层次、科技语言、数字用法,以及其它有关规范化要求,为广大科技人员提高科技论文撰稿的规范化、标准化水平提供依据,促使论文简便快捷地进入国内外信息传播网,实现科技交流和资源并享,促进科技成果转化为生产力。


    Abstract: On the basis of the country standard and the sevral years, experiences in editing and pullishing set-tech journals, the author studied the theme of sci-tech papers writing standardization, analysised and put forward the standard expression demand of agricultural sci-tech papers.The Paper is about the form,arangement of title, sci-tech language, the use of numberals, units of measurements and other standard demands.It Provides basis for the sci-tech popers writers to improve their writing standard level.


