Studies on Wheat of Mechanical Sow and Culture on scales in Coastal Areas in Fujian
摘要: 福建沿海稻田大、小麦规模机播栽培比手工播种栽培省165.6%~71.8%,降低成本21.6%~33.5%,可提高效益20.2%~54.0%,促进麦类增穗、增产。它将在福建粮食的增产中起重要作用。Abstract: Compared with Sowing by hand,sowing wheat and barley by machine in paddy field in the coastal areas in Fujian can save work by 65.6%-71.8%;and decrease the cost bv 21.6%-33.5% and enhance the benefit hy 20.2%-54.0%,promote the quantity of the ear and its yield. It will play an important role in incrcasing grain yield in Fujian.