Study on the Fruit Development of Specially Late-Maturing Longan Lidongben I.Requirement and Distribution of Mineral Nutrition
摘要: 特晚熟龙眼立冬本果实发育期间对矿质营养需求及其分配的研究结果表明,果实对氮需求的两个高峰期分别在开花期和假种皮迅速生长期;钾的需求高峰期在假种皮迅速生长期;磷的需求相对比较平稳。果实与叶片之间队N、P、K营养的相关性:N相关不显着,P达极显着相关,K为弱负相关。各元素在果实各部组织中的分配:N在果皮、果核中含量都很高,K在果肉中占的比例最大,Ca和Mg大部分在果皮内,P分布相对比较均匀。Abstract: The experimental results showed that:there were two peak periods of N requirement in fruit,they were flowering and rapid growth stage ; K requirement peak period in fruit occured at rapid growth stage of false episperm; P requirement in fruit was relatively stable. Correlationship of N, P and K mineral nutrition between fruit and leaf was showed as followings: there was no significant correlation-ship of N,but significant correlationship of P and weakly negative correlationship of K. Distribution of each element in difterent issues of fruit was showed that : N content was high in fruit coat and nucleus;there was much K in mesocarp; most Ca and Mg occured in fruit coat; the distribution of P was relatively balance.