Study on breeding Chinese Cabbage Hybrid“Medium Maturing No,4”and Its Two Self-imcompatible Lines
摘要: 优良自交不亲和系S-89是从西安大包头中连续多代自交分离选出的;优良自交不亲和系S-75是从牡丹江一号中多代自交分离和人工加代繁育选出的。这两个亲本都经过严格的配合力测定与分析,亲和指数测定,最后配成S-89×S-75,定名为“中熟四号”.具有抗病、高产、优质、商品性好、生育期较短、适应性强等优点,现已成为福州地区中、晚熟大白菜的主栽品种,并在省内外大面积推广应用。1994年参加全国中晚熟大白菜福建点区试,产量、抗病、品质均居首位。该品种已分别通过省、市新品种审定并获1995年福州市科技进步一等奖。Abstract: The excellent self-imcomapatible line“S-89”was bred from Chinese cabbage cultivar“Xian Dabaotuo”by means of selfing for generations, the excellent self-imcomaptible line“S-75”was bred from cultivar“Mudanjiang No1”by mean of selfing for generations.The combining abili-ty and index of compatibility of these lines were tested and analysed strictly.Finally by crossing“S-89”and“S-75”Medium Maturing No4”was bred and named.This hybrid haxhigh resistance to disease,high productivity and excellent adaptability,better quality and other commercial charac-terlstics.It is with shorter growing perlod.Now it becomes the most medium-maturing and late-maturing Chinese Cabbage cultivated in Fuzhou area. It was spreaded inxeverl areas in south Chi-na.In the National Regional Trial of Medium-rnaturing and Late-maturing Chinese Cabbage held in Fujian in 1994,it was determined to be the best hybrid with high productivity,high resistance to disease and with good quality.It has been approved and qualified by the provincial and Municipal Committee of Cultivar examination and Approval.It was awarded the firstclass scientific and tech- nical progress prize from Fuzhou Governrnent in 1995.