• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Studies on the Occurrence and Chemical Control of Tobacco Bacteria1 wilt(P.Solanacearum)

  • 摘要: 烟草青枯病是福建烟草的主要病害,一般在每年4月下旬或5月上旬由南向北开始发生,5月中、下旬遇上适宜的气候即大流行。春烟区发生危害较重。该病发生危害与品种、耕作类型、栽培管理、地形地势等有密切关系。试验指出90%乙霜育可溶性粉剂防治烟草青枯病效果显着,优于1000万单位硫酸链霉素,其防治效果可达80%以上。


    Abstract: Tobacco bactetial wilt(Pseudomonas solanacearum),a major tobacco disease in Fujian province,general occures from the southen to northen of Fujian during late April and early May.If the climate condition is favorable for it from middle to the end of May,the disease would become greatly prevalent,especially in Spring tobacco,The occurrence and damage of the disease were closely related to cultivars,cropping system,cultivation practics and topography.The experimental results showed that,on tobacco bacterial wilt control,effects of 90%Yishuangqing soluble powder was over 80%superior to sulphurate streptomycin(10 million units).


