• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Study on the Seudoperennial Propagation and Utilization of Astragallus sinicus after Wetland Rice

  • 摘要: 我们从1991年秋季开始进行紫云英一次播种多年繁殖利用研究,结果表明:在紫云英生长至2层黑荚时翻埋,可达到种、肥兼得和一次播种多年繁殖利用的目的。埋入土中的种子趋于匀态分布,0~4cm土层中的种子可于秋后萌发出苗,其萌发率约为72.9%.在大田和试验田管理措施相同的条件下,1992,1993,1994和1995年,每公顷鲜草产量分别为32.58,37.19,34.17和28.50t.这是一条省工、省本、省种促进冬季紫云英种植和培肥地力的有效措施。


    Abstract: The seudoperennial propagation and utilization of Astragallus sinicus has been conducted since 1991.The results showed that the plants with certain mature seeds incorporated into soil at plowing time in Spring were distributed almost evenly in 0~10 cm soil layer and the seeds in soil could germinate in Autumn.The germination rate of seeds in the soil varied with the depth of seeds in soil layers.The germination rate of astragallus seeds in 0~4cm soil was about 72.9%of the total seeds in that layer.The biomass production of astragalus harvested in 1992,1993,1994 and 1995 was about 32.58,37.19,34.17 and 28.5t/hm2 respectively.This system is a simple,ecomomic and good for soil fertility and management,which opens a new way for sustainable agriculture.


