• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Integrated Technique to Obtain the High Yield of Seed Production for Chinese Milk Vetch(Astragalus sinicus)

  • 摘要: 经1987~1991年5年协作研究,提出闽紫1~4号每公顷产种子750kg以上配套技术。①适期适量播种。闽紫1号9月5日至11月5日、闽紫3号9月15日至10月25日,闽紫2号、闽紫4号9月15日至11月5日播种。在与前作不发生矛盾的情况下,可适当早播。每公顷用种15~22.5kg;②用稀土、钼酸铵0.05%浓度浸种24h,伸长至初花期喷200~450μg/g多效唑,并在初花期用0.2%~0.3%硼砂加0.1%~0.15%钼酸铵喷施,在红壤旱地加喷0.2%硫酸锌;③适量早施和合理配施磷钾肥,P2O5:K2O=1:1~1.5;④注意防治病虫害。除治虫外,应在开花结荚期用0.1%多菌灵防治病害1~2次;⑤提倡生长好的留种田当株高达20~30cm割草利用,并留茬5~7cm;③黑荚率达50%~75%抢晴收,并用机械脱荚脱粒。


    Abstract: The integrated technique was experimented to get the high yield of seed production in chinese rnilk vetch(Astragalus sinicu)et.Varieties Mingzhi No.1,2,3,4.The key methods were showed as follow:(1)the optimum sowing time and rate,(2)using the trace elements at the seed soaking and the plant flowering,(3)adding the fertilizer of P and K for the poor soil,(4)controlling the elongation of stems by using PP333,(5)suppressing the pest and disease,(6)cutting the vigorous vegetation.The pest harvesting tirne for seed production was discussed.


