Techniques of Florescence lnducting and Hybrid Seed Raising of some Shy- Flowering Sugarcane Varieties in Subtropical Region
摘要: 作者在应用固定日长加蓝光与远红光作辅助光照,于地处亚热带的福建省漳州市(北纬24°30′、东经117°39′)诱导福建地方优良果蔗──同安果蔗、马鞍果蔗(Saccharum officinarum L.)和福建省主栽品种闽糖70-611、闽选703等难开花亲本于12~1月开花的基础上,为了克服冬季气候偏冷、杂交结实率低的问题,采用:1.秋季盆栽,温室过冬育苗;2.提前在次年春季开始人工诱导处理;3.固定日长加蓝光与远红光作辅助光照;4.杂交温室加强喷水,以保持一定的空气湿度等配套技术,结果使上述难开花的甘蔗亲本于日平均气温稳定高于20℃的9月上旬至11月中旬开花,比前已报道的同品种开花时间提早2~3个月,获得了较高的结实率,并首次获得一批本省热带种和刈手密、斑茅的种、属间杂交的极宝贵的F1代种子。Abstract: The present paper dealt with the florescence inducting and the hybrid seed raising of some shy- flowering sugarcane varieties i.e. Tongan Chewing Cane, Maan Chewing Cane,Mintang 7O-611 and Minxuan 703.The artificial environment of Photoperiodic treatment with blue and far-red lights was set up from December to next January in Zhangzhou. The techniques listed follow were used go induct the florescence,(1)to breed the seedlings to overwinter in greenhouse in the Autumn,(2)to begin inducting the florescence early spring next year,(3)to use the pho-toperiodic treatment of blue and far-red light,(4) to keep high humidity in the greenhouse. The results showed that the varieties had been to flower and bring some hybrid seeds under the treat-ment with the techniques.