A Review on the parental Selection of Sugarcane Sexual Hybridization from 1959 to 1989
摘要: 通过对本所31年(1959~1989)来甘蔗有性杂交亲本选配的演变过程及特点的回顾,在亲本和组合选配方面得到了一些经验和教训,为今后更好地开展甘蔗有性杂交育种提供了科学依据。同时也指出了要提高亲本选配水平,必须在杂交亲本的开花、计算机应用和基础研究上努力。Abstract: There have been 217 Parental varieties imported from foreign countries to the institute in the past 31 years,from 20 new varieties. Now the varieties selected from the institute Fujian. Some advantage and shortcoming on the research work were summarized.It was also pointed out the key work on the research,such as the crossing parents in the stage of flowering, computer ap-plication and basic research,to upgrade the level of parental selection.