Studies on Using Predacious Mite to Control Pest Mite in Feed Products
摘要: 本文介绍了饲料中粉螨危害情况。并首次报道用功能反应、数量反应对尖狭下盾螨控制饲料中重要害螨——腐食酪螨、害嗜鳞螨的作用进行综合评价,最后对尖狭下盾螨的研究与利用提出建议。Abstract: This paper introduced the harmness of mite in feed products, and reported in first the work using functional and quantative responses of Hypoaspis aculeifer to control the major pest mites in feed products——Tyrophagus putrescentiae and Leidolyphus destrutor.The controlling effect was comprehensively evaluated.Some suggestions on the investigation and utilization of H.aculeifer has been proposed in the paper.