Structure Analysis of Chimera of lmproved Sweet Orange Fruits with Peroxidase lsozyme
摘要: 改良橙是印子柑和红桔嫁接嵌合的甜橙良种,试验根据改良橙不同果实形态特征,分析了红肉果、黄肉果和红黄肉嵌合果果实的汁胞、油胞层和白皮内层的过氧化物中区酶谱,并以印子柑、福桔等柑桔品种相应组织的酶谱为对照进行比较,进一步证明改良橙果实的嵌合结构,并推断供试改良橙树的组织发生层,L-Ⅰ和L-Ⅱ均来源于红桔、L-Ⅲ层来源于印子柑,嵌合而成的周缘嵌合体,为理论研究和栽培措施提供依据。Abstract: Improved Sweet Orange(Gailiangcheng)was a good weet orange varity which was obtained from the sweet orange(Citrus sinensis var.liucheng)grafted on the stock of red tangerine(Citrus reticulata Blanco).This experiment has been carried out with polyacrylamide gelelectrophoresis.According to variant types of Improved Sweet Orangefruits,the perxidase isoenzymes of vesicles、flaved and endocarp of red pulp type、yellow pulp type and chimera of red and yellow pulp type were determinde.the central region of peroxidase isozyme pattern was analysed and compared with the Enzhi Gan(Citrus sinensis var.liucheng)and Hong jie(Citrus reticulata Blanco).It was further proved that the fruit of Improved Sweet Orange was a Chimera,and it was suspected that the histogen of Improved Sweet Orange trees on that farm was a periolinal chimera,in which L-Ⅰ、L-Ⅱderived from red tangerine and L-Ⅲfrom sweet orange.