Designation of Ecological Greenhouse With Geothermal Energy
摘要: 为解决我国南方夏季温室栽培的室内降温难题,利用生态原理,设计了“地热生态温室”.即选择适合南方气候条件的塑料大棚,在棚间种植热带树种或高大落叶树种;棚内安装定时喷翼装置、地热热交换器、排风机;棚顶设置遮荫网,给温室内创造了模拟热带雨林的生态环境。在此条件下进行夏季花卉栽培试验。测试表明:生态温室冬暧夏凉。夏季室内温度比对照低4.5℃,相对湿度高7个百分点,为植物生长创造了良好环境,解决了南方温室降温难题,实现了南方温室周年利用,为我国南方设施农业发展开辟了新的途径。Abstract: It is a great problem to low down the temperature in greenhouse in the summer in the southern area of china.The ecological greenhouse was designed to solve the problem,which consisted of plastic-covered shed,tropical trees and tall deciduous trees around the shed,spraying equipment at the top of shed,heating exchanger and draught fan inside the shed.The computer was introduced to control the temperature by regulating the equipment in summer and winter.The result showed that the temperature was 4.5℃ degree lower,the humidity was 7% higher than that outside in the summer,the temperature was raised by heating from the geothermal energy exchanger in the winter In this way the greenhouse could be used for planting both in summer and winter.