Study on Cultivation Practices of High-yield and Selection of Broccoli New Cultivar Minglu No.1
摘要: 闽绿1号是由自交不亲和系配制的一代杂种,株高42cm;叶色绿,叶面光滑;花球半圆形,横经17cm,纵经14cm;花球紧密,蕾粒细小色浓绿,花茎细,单花球重0.5kg左右.早熟,生育期70d左右;腋芽抽生迟,在主花球采收前不会萌发抽生,只有主花球收割后才会萌动长出小花球,可连续2~3次采收,生长势强,整齐度高,抗逆性强.其丰产栽培应适期播种,适当密植;施足底肥和硼肥,防治病虫害,及时采收等.Abstract: Minglu No. 1 is the F1 hybrid from a self-imcompatibility line. Its main characteristics were that, strong resistance, 42 cm in plant height,green leaf color and smooth leaf surface. The shape of curd was half-circle, the cross diameter was 17 cm,vertical diameter was 14 cm. Its curd was compact, small buds with dark-green color, style was thin and each curd was 0.5 kg in weight.The growing period was about 70 days. Its axillary bud could never germinate before the main curd was harvested,so the whole plant could be harvisted continuously for 2~3 times.