Study on Selecting Lure Mouse Agent and lmproving Labyrinth Device
摘要: 中国科学院动物所生态室一组研究的“迷宫”装置,以试鼠嗅闻频次来筛选诱鼠剂,我们在这个基础上改进,增加“迷宫”装置的嗅闻时间功能.并进行30种材料的诱鼠能力对比测定,认为评价诱鼠剂,以嗅闻时间结合嗅闻频次进行综合分析,更接近于实际.Abstract: The labyrinth device which was created by lst Group of the Ecological Lab.,Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica is based on the smelling frequency of tested mouse to screen the mouse lure agent. We made an improvement and added the function of smelling duration to above device. A determination to compare the mouse-luring capacity among 30 lure agents was undertak-en, It was considered that the comprehensive analysis combining smelling duration with smelling frequeney to evaluate the capacity of mouse-luring agent is more close to the real situation.