Study on the Comprehensive Utilization of Geothermal Energy to Agricultural Production
摘要: 1985~1990年我们在福建省农科院地热研究所进行地热农业综合利用研究.在一定区域范围内,按系统工程原理,设计供热布局,设置地热农业综合利用项目,做到供热科学,一水多用,梯级利用,供热面积由原来1896m2增加到4038m2,比原来净增113%.在地热农业综合利用上,从大农业着眼,成为种、养殖多业多学科的综合利用示范基地,发挥了农业工程技术和地热资源优势,经济效益显著,平均每公顷收入达23万元,而且有较大的社会效益.Abstract: In 1985-1990, we conducted a study on comprehensive utilization of geothermal energy to agricultural production at the experimental site in Fujian Geothermal Agro-utilization Insti-tute. Within a certain range,a comprehensive utilizing project of which the heat-providing layout was designed according to the principle of systematic engineering, so as to achieve the goal of sci-entific heat supply, multiple grade utilization of geothermal water, the heat-providing area in-creased frorm 1896 m2 to 4038 m2, the net increase was 113%, In the light of macroscopic agricul-ture, the experirmental site has become a demonstrative base for the comprehensive utilization of cultivation and pisciculture. It gives a full play to the superiority of agricultural engineering tech-nique and geothermal resources and bring a significantly economical benefit,the averaged net in-come reached 230000 Yuan/hm2, and high social benefit.