• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


The Sulfur content in Fujian Cultivated Soils And S Fertilizer Application

  • 摘要: 对福建省耕地土壤420份样品化验结果有效硫含量分布平原高于山区沿海高于内地。全省土壤平均含硫25.1mg/kg,属中等含硫水平。冷浸类、沙质类稻田是施硫的重点区,经济作物和十字花科作物应重视硫的施用。水稻施硫能早生快发,增加穗、粒数,提高产量。豆科牧草(野花生)施硫能提高产量改善品质。


    Abstract: 420 soil samples which represent different cultivated soils were analysed the contents offast-acting sulfur.The sulfur content in the samples form plain area was higher than that from hilly area, and coastal area was higher than inland area.The average content in whole province is higher than the cultivated one required for the growth of main crops such as rice plant.The stress areas for supplying sulfur are submerged and sandysoils.It also needs to pay more attention on applying S fertilizer to economical and mustard crops.The application of sulfur improves the early growth and development ofrice seedlings.increases grain number per panicle thus enhance the grain yield.S application to legume plants increases its biomass production and improves quality.


