• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Isolation and Identification of New Flaviviruses Causing Reduction on Egg-laying in Chicken

  • 摘要: 从蛋鸡临床表现为产蛋下降、卵泡萎缩、卵泡膜出血为主要特征的发病蛋鸡的卵巢、输卵管、肝、脾等组织中分离到3株病毒。分离毒能致死番鸭胚和鸡胚,人工感染产蛋期的蛋鸡能导致蛋鸡产蛋急速下降,卵泡出血和萎缩,并能从人工感染病鸡中回收到病毒;分离毒不能凝集鸡和鸽红细胞,并对乙醚、氯仿敏感;病毒核酸为RNA;PCR或IFA结果排除了分离毒为禽流感病毒、新城疫病毒、鸡减蛋下降综合症病毒、传染性支气管炎病毒、传染性喉气管炎病毒、鸭呼肠孤病毒、番鸭细小病毒、鸡传染性法氏囊病病毒和小鹅瘟病毒;用黄病毒特异引物扩增为阳性,序列测定与分析显示分离毒5末端部分核苷酸与黄病毒属的巴格扎病毒同源性为70%,与国内鸭源黄病毒核苷酸同源性达99%;3末端部分核苷酸序列与巴格扎病毒同源性为75%,与坦布苏病毒的同源性达91%,与国内鸭源黄病毒的同源性达99%。上述结果提示分离毒是黄病毒科黄病毒属的一个新成员,是导致蛋鸡产蛋下降的病原。


    Abstract: Three virus strains were isolated from the diseased layers that experienced abrupt reduction in egg-laying in different regions.These isolated viruses could cause SPF chick-embryo and Muscovy duck-embryo to die with hemorrhage in embryo-livers.Healthy egg-producing layers inoculated with these isolates showed symptoms similar to that of the field cases,and the same viruses could be reisolated.These isolates could proliferate in MDEF causing cytopathic effect.They showed no haemagglutination activity,were sensitive to chloroform and ether,and resisted to FUDR.PCR and IFA screening indicated that the isolates were negative to avian fluvirus,Newcastle Disease Virus,egg-laying-reduction syndrome virus,infectious bronchitis virus,infectious laryngotracheitis virus,duck reovirus,duck parvovirus,infectious bursal disease virus and goose parvovirus;but positive to flavivirus.The nucleotide sequence from the isolates had greatly homogeneity with duck flavivirus isolates.These results indicated that the isolates were the viruses causing the layer′s reduction in egg-laying in recent years,and that they belonged to the genus,Flavirirus.


