• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Use of a Incomplete Diallel Cross to Estimate the Combining Ability in Putian Black Laying Ducks

  • 摘要: 本研究采用不完全双列杂交法估测莆田黑鸭4个父系与4个母系组成的16个组合的配合力。结果表明:300日龄产蛋数父系间和母系间的一般配合力差异极显着,各组合的特殊配合力差异也极显着。300日龄蛋粒重各配合力差异均不显着。开产日龄和300日龄平均总蛋重与300日龄产蛋数有显着的相关性,其相关系数分别为-0.9091和0.8557.300日龄产蛋数一般配合力的基因型方差为0.4994,特殊配合力的基因型方差为0.5006.300日龄产蛋数的广义遗传力和狭义遗传力分别为0.4923和0.2458.


    Abstract: Sixteen hybrid combinations from four paternal lines A, B, C, D and four maternal lines E, F,G, H were tested for their combining ability.A significant difference of general combining ability of egg num her and egg weight at 300-day age was found between paternal and maternal lines by using Liu Laifu’s incom plete diallel crossing method.The experimental results showed that line B and line F exhibited the highed general combining ability and hybrid combinations BE, CF, BH exhibited highest specific combining abili ty.Estimated genotypic variance of general and specific combining abilities were 49.94% and 50.06% respectively.Estimated narrow and broad heritabilities Of egg number at 300-day age were 0.2458 and 0.4923.There were significant correlations between total averaged egg weight at first laying and 300-day ages with egg number at 300-dy age.The correlative coefficients were-0.9091 and 0.8557 respectively.


