• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Determination on Resistance of Sweetpotato XiangShu 75-55 and Its Productivity

  • 摘要: “湘薯75-55”系湖南省农科院作物所1974年用“新大紫”与“河北69-419”的杂交后代,我所1978年引进,经10多年鉴定试验示范不断提纯复壮而成的新品种。该品种具有抗瘟、高产、优质、贮藏性好并能兼抗蔓刈病、疮痂病等特点。经室内多菌株、田间小区、大面积试验示范,多年多点、多重复鉴定,抗瘟力强于一般抗瘟病品种“329”和“华北48”.在病区种植其丰产性分别比329、华北48和“新种花”提高25.07%、41.44%和2.3倍;在无病区多点测试其生产力分别比329和新种花提高7.7%~7.6%和16.8%~21.3%.1992年“湘薯75-55”种植面积达65万亩以上,占我省薯区面积20.17%,占薯瘟区面积90%以上。1986~1992年在惠安、安溪、罗源、宁德等30多个县(市)累计推广面积达170万多亩,比种植一般抗瘟品种增产原粮1.7亿公斤,增收薯粮1.53亿公斤,增加社会效益3.23亿元。“湘薯75-55”1990年经福建省农作物品种审定委员会审定通过成为我省新的抗病品种。


    Abstract: Sweetpotato variety, Xiangshu 75-55 is a hybrid progeny from "Xindazhi" and Hebei 69-419 combination.It was bred by The Crop Research Institute, Hunan Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 1974, and introduced by Plant Protection Institute, FAAS in 1978.This variety gradually became a new cultivar after the identification, demonstration and continuous purification and rejuvenation for more than ten years.It characters high resistance to blast, stem rot, and scab diseases, high yield, good quality and long storage periord.After indoor, plot tests and large-area demonstration at different sites for several years, it showed that, Xiangshu 75-55 has stronger blast-resistant capacity than other blaSt-resistant varieties, "329" and "Huabei 48".In disease-epidemic area, its productivity was 25.07% 41.44 % and 2.3 times higher than 329, Huabei 48 and "Xinzhonghua" respectively.In disease-free area, the multi-site determination showed its productivity was 7.67 % ~7.59 % and 10.8 % ~21.3 % higher than 329 and Xinzhonghua.In 1992, the growing area of Xianghu 75-55 reached 0.65 million Mu more.The accumulated popularied-area in 1986-1992 was over 1.7 million Mu.Xiangshu 75-55 has been assigned as a new disease-resistant variety in Fujian province after the examination and approvement by "Fujian Comittee for Crop Seeds Evaluation".


