Major Infectious Diseases Susceptible to sFat-1 Transgenic Pigs
摘要: 转基因猪可能因为外源基因导入造成体质损伤,健康体质下降的转基因猪对常见疾病的感染比率有可能超过正常生产猪,不仅使猪生产性能下降,也加大对环境传播疾病。转基因猪对主要传染性疾病易感性的观察是转基因猪环境安全性评价的一项重要研究内容。本试验对21头阴性试验对照猪和20头转sFat-1基因猪9种主要传染性疾病的感染情况进行了检测,并对日常饲养疾病感染情况进行了统计。这9种疾病分别是:口蹄疫、猪瘟、蓝耳病、猪伪狂犬病、结核病、猪水泡病、布鲁氏杆菌病、非洲猪瘟、肠病毒性脑脊炎,检测使用ELISA检测试剂盒和核酸扩增检测试剂盒完成。在阴性猪中猪水泡病感染比率为5%,阳性猪感染比率为20%,sFat-1转基因猪对猪水泡病的易感性显著提高,另外8种疾病易感性没有明显差别。阴性成年猪的死亡率为8%,阳性成年猪的死亡率为37%,阳性猪死亡率明显提高。测试结果表明有一部分转sFat-1基因猪体质下降,这种情况与转sFat-1基因猪生理生化指标与繁殖性能测试结果相符合,sFat-1转基因猪对猪水泡病的易感性显著提高是部分转基因阳性猪肝功能受到轻度损伤造成的。Abstract: Some major infectious diseases susceptible to the sFat-1 transgenic pigs were closely observed,as it might post an environmental safety threat.Nine infectious diseases were selected for the study on 21 negative(control) and 20 transgenic sFat-1 gene pigs.They included TB,PRRSV,FMDV,CSFV,PRV,SVD,Brucellosis,African swine fever and enterovirus encephalomyelitis.All tests were completed by using ELISA and PCR detection kits.The infection rate of SVD(Swine Vesicular Disease) was 5% in the control group and 20% in the test pigs,indicating a significant susceptibility.There was no significant difference observed for the other 8 infectious diseases.The death rate was 8% in the infected control adult pigs,but 37% among the infected adult pigs in the test group.The liver functions of some sFat-1 gene transgenic pigs were slightly damaged that might have caused their increased susceptibility to SVD.