The Isolation of 864 Bacterial Strain and Its Re-inoculation to Medium
摘要: 本试验从草菇发酵料中分离获得18株细菌,经固氮酶活性测定,筛选出9株,进一步做与菇类菌丝的关系、豆芽弯曲及回接于三角瓶及出菇试验等研究,选出864菌株具有促进草菇菌丝的扭结和子实体的发育。同时对其作用机理进行研究,初步看出:1.提高了培养料发酵温度,改变了微生物群落,增加了有益微生物高温固氮细菌,减少了有害微生物中温型细菌和真菌。并提高了全氮、全钾、全磷的含量。同时培养料疏松,富有弹性。2.能固定空气中氮素,达到瓶小时0.43毫微克分子乙烯。3.分泌物经豆芽弯曲测定,具有激素,能促使豆芽弯曲0.5-1圈。4.菌液含有多糖、蛋白质和维生素等,可提供菇类的营养。Abstract: Total 18 strains of bacteria have been isolated from the compost of strawmushroom, among which 9 strains with N-fixing activity. The selected 864 strain has the character to improve the twist of mycelium and the development of fruit body of strawmushroom. The study on its functional mechanism showed that, 1. It increases the fermentation temperature, alters the microorganism flora in culture medium, increases the amounts of total N, P and K, thus optimized the culture medium; 2. It can fix nitrogen from air, N-fixing activity reaches 0.43 nmol C2H4/vial. hour; 3. The bacterial excretion twists bean sprouts for 0.5 to 1 ring, suggested the exist of hormone substrate; 4. The culture solution contain polysaccharide, protein, and vitamines which may improve the nutrition condition for mushroom growth.