水稻病虫微机测报网络的研究 Ⅰ.系统设计
Study on the Computer-aided Forecasting Network for the Rice Pests and Diseases I. Designation of Network System
摘要: 本文通过分析水稻病虫微机测报网络的业务实体模型,提出微机测报网络的层次划分,微机硬件配置,通讯设备的配置。通过对水稻病虫测报现实模型的分析,提出水稻病虫数据库设计的原则,数据库结构和数据库文件的设计方法。引入数据字典和结构化程序设计方法,设计了水稻病虫微机网络测报软件,实现了病虫测报的数据库管理、测报分析、测报咨询、通讯服务的功能。并在福建南平地区建立了地区级水稻病虫微机测报网络,实现南平地区全区10个县微机与地区微机联网,进而与省农科院联网,形成了省—地—县微机测报网络模式,1991年在生产上应用,收到了良好效果。Abstract: This is one of the serial papers on the Computer-aided forecasting network for rice pests and diseases. The forecast entity model for the rice pests and diseases was analysed. The layer division of the network, the confugurations of the conputer hardware and the communication devices were established. Through the analyse of entity model of the data base for the pests and diseases, the designation principle, the designing method for the structures and files of the data base were worked out. The functions of the software of the network were divided into four parts. (1) the data base management, (2) the forecasting analysis system, (3) the forecasting consult system and (4) the communication service system. The network has been successfully put into agricultural production in Nan Ping Prefecture, Fujia Provice in 1991.