• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Effects of Anabaena Azollae on the Tolerance of Azolla to High Temperature

  • 摘要: 本文首次报道满江红鱼腥藻对满江红耐热性的影响,在适宜的温度范围内,培养于含氮培养液的无藻满江红比共生满江红生长差。满江红的耐热性主要取决于蕨,部分取决于共生藻。不同种满江红的共生藻作用可能有所不同。小叶满江红的鱼腥藻的抗热性优于细绿萍的鱼腥藻,改变满江红种间蕨-藻的组合方式,将在一定程度上影响新的蕨-藻组合体的抗热能力。这一发现为萍藻共生关系的研究以及红萍育种工作开辟新的途径。


    Abstract: The effects of Anabaena azollae on the heat tolerance of Azolla were conducted.Under optimum temperature regine anabaena-free Azolla grown in nitrogen-containing medium produced less biomass compared with Azolla-Anabaena association.It implied that Anabnena in the association was not only supply nitrogen to Azolla but also provied something else which was required for Azolla growth.At 37℃/29℃ (day/night) Azolla filiculoides grew poor than the corresponding Anabaena-tree Azolla grown in nitrogen-containing medium while Azolla filiculoides with the Anabaena from Azolla microfhylla (Af 135),a newly reconstituting Azolla,was able to grow much better than the Azolla with homologous Anabaena.However,Azolla microfhylla with the Anabaena from Azolla filiculoides grew and fixed nitrogen less than original one.the growth of Azlolla microfhylla was much better than Azolla filicwifos with the Anabaena from Azolla microfhylla.Therefore,the tolerance of Azolla to high temperature is determined by both host-fern and symbiont-Anabaena.


