The Studies on the Drainaging Soak Promoting Root Growth and Increasing Yield Mechanism of Ridge Cultivation in Gleyed Rice Field
摘要: 冷烂型稻田土壤沼泽化,呈高度还原状态.实行起垄栽培,显著改善了全层土壤,特别是上层10cm土壤的理化性及稻根发育.这种趋势随水稻生育进展而愈益明显,抽穗以后土壤还原性物质总量减少29%,氧化还原电位提高110%,稻根干重增加97%,体积扩大62%,容重增加22%,α-萘胺氧化力提高50%,伤流强度增加48%,磷素吸收积累增加46%.于是,水稻产量显著提高.Abstract: For exploring the drainaging soak, promoting root growth and increasing yield mechanism of ridge cultivation in Gleyed paddy rice fietd, the soil reducing condition, rice root dry weight and abosabing capacity of rice root were surveyed in different growth stages with different soil depth.The result showed that: Inridge cultivation field the Eh of soil increased to about 300 mV between 3-5cm, 150mV, about50.....100%higher than tradition cultivation; The reducing subtance decreased 29% correspondingly; The thermal conductivity of soil increased 48%.So the growth was promoted.The Dw.and volum of rice root increased 62-92%; The root a-NA oxidizing capcity increased 43%, and the root absorb of 32P increased 46%; the grain output increased remarkably.