Evolution and Heredity of Sexual Structure in Tea flower
摘要: 花器形态是研究有花植物起源、演化与遗传、分类的主要依据。本文根据作者自1954年以来,对500余个茶树品种(类型)的花器形态系统研究资料。着重整理不同品种间雌、雄蕊的高差值,并以此作为两性高低结构的基本形式,分为低柱、平柱与高柱3种类型,同时以品种为单元,分析不同种群间,所含3种结构类型的种质组成比例,从中探讨茶花两性结构的演化趋势与遗传动向。指出:茶花雌、雄两性结构似有随种群的演化程度,而由低柱向高柱演化发展的趋势,从而认为“低柱型”或“平柱型”的结构是原始或较原始的类型,它具有较稳定的遗传性。Abstract: Morphology of tea flower organ is the main evidence of origin, evolution, heredity and classification of plant. This paper recorded the system studies on morphology of tea flower organ from 500 varieties since 1954. Three main forms of the structure of both sexual differences were classified as low style, plain style and high style by the height differences of pistil and stamen in various varieties. The tendency of evolution and heredity of the structure of both sexes of tea flower were analysed by the constitution ratio of three types of structure in various varieties. As a result, it seems that the structure of both sexes of tea flower evolve from a low style to a high style by the evolution of varieties. The structure of low style type or plain style type belongs to the type of stock, and it has the stable heredity.
- Tea Plant /
- Tea Flower Organ /
- Pistil /
- Stamen /
- Struture of Both Sexes
郭元超等.1986.茶树花器性状遗传与变异的初步研究.茶叶,(4):2-5 [5] 郭元超.1990.茶树器官的演化途径与原始模式的初步研讨.广东茶叶,(总28):40-48
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