This paper describes a new species of the gelechiid moths genue Hypatimc Hubner from Fujian, China. The larvae of this species is an important pest of the longan trees in Fuzhou recently. The descriptions of the adults, and both of the larva and pupa have been reported, and some bionomical notes are also given.Hypatima longanae, sp. nov.Holotype♂, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, 1989-IX-25, collected by Ms. Chen Yu-mei. Allotype♀, and paratypes 3♂♂. 4♀♀, same date as the holotype. And paratypes 1♂ 2♀♀ on 1986-X-10. The type specimens are deposited in the Insect Collections of Beijing Agricultural University.The new species with five raised scale tufts on the costa of foreuing, and with large unbroken dark area before middle, is very similar to Hypatima sapindiuara(Clarke) from Japan. But differs in the main characters as listed bellow.H. longanae H. sapindivara1. Wingspan: 10-12 mm 13-17 mm 2. Male genitalia.Valva apex sharp, with a separate lobe Aedegus much slender and strighe, with the basal port as at right angles3. Female genitalia. Postapophyses very long more than twice as the length of papollae anales Singum stout4. Larva babitat:Stem bover on longan trees Dimocarpus longana Lour.Valva apex evate, withouta separate lobe Aedegus slender and sinuous, not with the basal part as at right anglesPostapophyses shorten as long as the length of papillae anales Singum slenderTieing leaves on Chinesesoapherry treesSaPindus mukurossi Gaerth.