DNA Fingerprinting and Genetic Diversity of Cultivated Strains of Agaricus blazei Murill
摘要: 利用ISSR、RAPD和SRAP3种分子标记法对16株姬松茸菌株进行比较分析。结果表明其中8条RAPD、4条ISSR和2对SRAP引物适合姬松茸菌株鉴定分析,3种标记方法均将16个菌株分为3大类群,A0011+1和A0013为1类,A0009单独为1类,其余菌株为1类。3种分子标记法对姬松茸菌株鉴别的结果存在着一定差别。SRAP反应的遗传信息较丰富,比ISSR、RAPD检测到更大的遗传差异;RAPD引物扩增到的多态性条带数较多。Abstract: Sixteen different strains of Agaricus blazei Murill were analyzed using ISSR, RAPD and SRAP. PCR amplification using 8 RAPD primers, 4 ISSR primers and 2 SRAP primer pairs separated the strains into three groups. One of them consisted of A0011+1 and A0013, another A0009, and the third group the remainders. The result showed that SRAP provided rich genetic information, and the RAPD primers had the largest number of polymorphic bands among all markers.